Thursday, August 6, 2020 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Free
An Introductory Webinar to the 2020 Solar Valley Conference
This webinar offers a preview of our 2020 Solar Valley Conference that examines the current public policy conditions under which solar operates, with an emphasis on creating pathways for increased deployment throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Hosted by Assemblymember, Eduardo Garcia, with esteemed panel members Ed Smeloff from Vote Solar, and Adam Fowler from UCR School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting & Beacon Economics, LLC. The webinar will present a snapshot of legislation and policy initiatives, and solar developments throughout Inland Southern California.
Assemblymember, Eduardo Garcia 56th Assembly District, is the current chair of Water, Parks, and Wildlife. In this capacity he oversees some of the states's most pressing issues, such as drought conditions, and the implementation of the multi-billion dollar Proposition 1, Water Bond. He also is chair of the Select Committee on Renewable Energy Development and Restoration of the Salton Sea. Garcia has made a point to champion measures that would bring environmental and economic relief to the areas of the Coachella and Imerial Valleys.
Adam Fowler is Director of Research at the UCR School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting and at Beacon Economics, LLC. He leads research in the areas of sustainable growth and development, and housing land use, and real estate. His projects focus on environmental economics and domestic energy, housing and population trends, public opinion and attitudes, public policy analysis, and regional economics. Recently, he co-authored a high-profile analysis of a film and digital media industry in Los Angeles for the Los Angeles County Economic Development Division, highlighting technological disruption and the competitive value of diversity.
Ed Smeloff is the Director of Grid Integration and is on Vote Solar's regulatory team working to transform the electric power system to be cleaner, smarter, and more durable by integrating solar power and other clean energy technologies at all scales from roofftop to the utility scale power plant. Vote Solare is involved in regulatory activities in twelve states. Smeloff also worked for SunPower Corp. as it's director, where he was responsible for the development of more than a gigawatt of solar power plants now in operation across the United States.
Watch the Webinar
Eduardo Garcia Assemblymember 56th Assembly District
Adam J. Fowler, Director of Research, UCR School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting & Beacon Economics, LLC
Ed Smeloff, Director of Grid Integration, Vote Solar