Vehicle Testing Laboratories


Vehicle Testing Services

  • Heavy Duty Chassis Dynamometer

    Simulating Exacting Road Load and Inertia Forces

    CE-CERT is home to a heavy-duty tandem axle truck chassis dynamometer in conjunction with Mustang Dynamometer. The development of the chassis dynamometer design was based on target vehicles in the medium to heavy-duty diesel vehicle range. This high-performance 48” Electric Chassis Dynamometer has Dual Direct Connected, 300 Hp AC Motors individually attached to each roll set (model MD-AC/AC-300.48/300.48-45,000lb-HD-TANDEM). The dynamometer is capable of simulating exacting road load & inertia forces to a vehicle operating over a range of different driving conditions including highway cruise, urban driving, and other typical on-road driving conditions, with the design based on 17 different drive cycles. The robust dynamometer can continuously absorb/motor loads in excess of 600 HP from 45 to 80 mph and intermittently absorb/motor loads in the range of 1,200Hp. It is able to perform vehicle inertia simulation across a vehicle weight range of 10,000 to 80,000 lb. CE-CERT’s Mobile Emissions Laboratory (MEL) is used directly in conjunction with this facility for certification-type emissions measurements.


    Service Details

    HD chassis testing options:
    •    Chassis only
    •    Chassis + Mobile Emissions Laboratory (MEL)
    •    Prep Day
  • Heavy Duty Engine Dynamometer

    Evaluating Diesel Devices, Alternative Fuels, Research, and Technologies

    CE-CERT’s Heavy-Duty Engine Dynamometer Test Facility is designed for a variety of applications including verification of diesel after-treatment devices, certification of alternative diesel fuels, and fundamental research in diesel emissions and advanced diesel technologies. The engine dynamometer facility components were provided as a turnkey system by Dyne Systems of Wisconsin. CE-CERT’s Mobile Emissions Laboratory (MEL) is used directly in conjunction with this facility for certification-type emissions measurements. The facility is recognized by CARB for conducting engine dynamometer testing and has been the cornerstone of CARB’s study of biodiesel as part of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCSF). The test cell is equipped with a 600 horsepower (hp) GE DC electric engine dynamometer that was obtained from the EPA’s National Vehicle and Fuels Emission Laboratory in Ann Arbor, MI. The dynamometer is capable of testing approximately 85% of the engines used in on-road applications and will primarily be used for engines in the 300 to 600 hp range. A charge air conditioning system was obtained from Dyno Air of North Carolina to provide temperature/humidity control for the engine intake air with an accuracy of ±2°C from the setpoint. 


    Service Details 

    HD engine dynamometer testing options:
    •    Heavy Duty Dynamometer only
    •    Heavy Duty Dynamometer + Mobile Emissions Laboratory
    •    Prep Day


  • Light Duty Chassis Dynamometer

    Measuring Exhaust Emissions Under Real-World Driving Conditions

    AVL Test Systems Inc., in partnership with CE-CERT, has completed the installation of a state-of-the-art laboratory for measuring exhaust emissions under conditions that are representative of real-world driving conditions commissioned in January 2020. The facility meets all CFR 1065/1066 requirements and is located within five miles of the new CARB Southern California headquarters. CE-CERT’s laboratory was designed to be nearly identical to the new test facility at CARB (the same equipment, designs, software, configurations, and firmware). The new CE-CERT LDL facility will be utilized to support advanced low emissions vehicles, hybrids, and electric vehicle performance and will be a leading research and training tool for Southern California. The laboratory includes AVL’s iGEM test cell automation system, capabilities for Ultra low emissions testing (SULEV[20/30], PZEV, other low emissions options), advanced non-regulatory data collection, real-time PM (soot), fuels, blending, fuels impact, and on-road testing. As part of this partnership with AVL, additional in-house expertise will be available through CE-CERT such as combustion analysis tools and other specialized equipment within the AVL portfolio.


  • EV Data Acquisition System: Real-Time Monitoring System Software and Sensors
    Working with CARB and the California Energy Commission, CE-CERT has developed and utilizes specific testing protocols for EVs. In addition to standard vehicle performance measurements of velocity and acceleration, CE-CERT is able to measure battery SOC, system voltage and current, energy efficiency per mile (kWh/mile), and gradability.


UC Riverside's Bourns College of Engineering-Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) has unique capabilities to test a variety of electric drive vehicles, including pure battery electric, fuel-cell, hybrid electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. With two state-of-the-art chassis dynamometers, both light-duty and heavy-duty EVs can be tested. CE-CERT has developed a wide range of electric drive testing protocols, providing research results to industry, government agencies, and academia.

Contact: Kent Johnson,

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