To reach zero-carbon mobility UC Riverside has set up testbeds to evaluate four main strategies: Shared Mobility: implementing programs that reduce overall VMT; Transportation Electrification: building more efficient vehicles that emit less carbon (e.g. HEVs, BEVs, and fuel-cell EVs) and utilizing low- or zero-carbon fuel such as electricity or hydrogen; Connected and Automated Vehicles: employ ITS and automation technology to improve transportation system efficiency.
Contact: Matthew Barth, matthew.barth@ucr.edu
Shared, Electric, Connected, and Automated Vehicle Testing Services
- Shared Mobilitiy Evaluation
Evaluating Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVS) in Simulation
Using a wide range of simulation tools (e.g. VISSIM, PARAMICS, SUMO) and specific APIs, a wide range of CAV scenarios can be tested.
Evaluating CAVs using Hardware in the Loop Testing
A unique hardware-in-the-loop testing system for CAVs has been developed, combining traffic simulation and a real-world vehicle on a dynamometer.
Evaluating CAVs on the road
UCR has developed several CAV testbed sites in Riverside and Carson, California, installing communication infrastructure on the road.