Click here to download all the presentationsDay - 1Presentation BylinkAlberto AyalaLeveraging voluntary carbon offsets, evolving global markets, and OSAR technology for incentivizing fleet modernization/cleaner internal combustion in emerging economiesCarl FulperDeveloping Tools to Quickly Find Potentially High Emitting Heavy-Duty VehiclesCarl DesouzaPathway to Net-Zero ConstructionDaisy ThomasSuitability of iPEMS for Inspection and Maintenance in NigeriaGrace JohnsonPreliminary Results of Sensor Based Onboard Sensing Analysis And Reporting from Fleets During a Two Month TimeframeChris SharpAn Update on the Examination of In-Use Measurement Variation with PEMS at Low NOX LevelsYang LiAdvanced Aftertreatment Sensor Characterization Methods and LearningsJoshua IsraelChallenges and Innovations in Measurement for In-use Compliance: Advanced emission measurement techniques for low-concentration NOx, alternative fuels, and hybrid powertrainsRito SurA COMPACT ULTRA-LIGHT LASER-BASED PORTABLE EMISSIONS MEASUREMENT SYSTEM (PEMS) PLATFORM FOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS MEASUREMENTSBenjamin ShadeApplication of the AVL M.O.V.E FT A New Portable FTIR for In-Vehicle Emissions MeasurementMichael HuberCharacterizing a Real-Driving Brake Emissions Sampling System in Different Test EnvironmentsLouisa KramerDevelopment of a system to measure real world particle emissions from brake wearCarlos AgudeloStatistical Evaluation of Euro 7 Laboratory Tests for Brake Emissions Factors Day - 2Presentation ByLinkJeremy RochussenIN-USE MEASUREMENTS TO QUANTIFY MARINE METHANE SLIP IN LNG DUAL-FUEL ENGINESDavid ChouLawnmower Emissions – PEMS Pilot Testing and Upcoming Surveillance ProgramSusumu (Mu) SatoEffects of Cold Start and Driving Behavior during On-road Driving on NH3 Emissions from Gasoline VehicleDarrell SonntagReal-World Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle Emissions in Utah During the SummerIoannis RaptisEvaluation of a miniaturized exhaust emission measuring system for L-Category Vehicle Measurements in Real-World Driving ConditionsImad KhalekAbsorber Windows for Very Low Soot Mass Concentration using a Photoacoustic InstrumentGreg BanishSOMEONE FINALLY MEASURED ITAxel FreundMobile Hydraulic Dynamometer (MoHyD)Marc StuartCarbon Markets and the Mobility Transition: A 30 year History and What May be Forthcoming