Georgios Karavalakis, a seasoned researcher at CE-CERT, is set to embark on a new academic journey. "I am excited to announce that after almost 13 years as a research faculty at CE-CERT, I will join the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department at UCR as a full-time Professor. Of course, CE-CERT will be my secondary department, where my lab and group of students will be located," he stated in an interview about his new position.
Karavalakis expressed his dedication to tackling challenging problems in the air quality, transportation, and energy fields. "My research attempts to better understand the environmental impacts from the use of low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels in mobile sources and in maritime transportation," he explained. One of his primary research focuses is on characterizing air pollutant emissions and particulate emissions from current and emerging engine technologies. Karavalakis aims to link tailpipe emissions to secondary aerosol formation, which has adverse effects on climate, visibility, and human health. He also highlighted his recent investigations into non-exhaust emissions from vehicles, such as brake and tire particulate matter emissions.
Reflecting on his notable research projects at CE-CERT, Karavalakis highlighted the link between fuel composition and primary particulate emissions, as well as secondary organic aerosol formation. His work in this area, particularly on light-duty gasoline direct injection vehicles, has been published in high-impact factor journals and presented at national and international conferences.
As he embarks on his academic career at UCR, Karavalakis aspires to sustain a dynamic lab, continue mentoring young and passionate minds, and contribute to potential solutions that advance knowledge and benefit society. He emphasized the importance of collaboration and expressed his intention to expand his collaborations with researchers and academics from various disciplines, aiming to find creative solutions to challenges.
"My advice to undergraduate and graduate researchers is to cultivate their skills as informed scientists and engineers, fostering a strong work ethic and an open mind. It is crucial for them to be adaptable and capable of working anywhere in the world," shared Dr. Karavalakis. "They must be prepared to tackle local and global challenges head-on, developing effective and innovative solutions that positively impact our planet and its inhabitants."
In addition to his professional pursuits, Georgios Karavalakis places great importance on nurturing his personal relationships. "When I am at home, my top priority is ensuring that my family receives my undivided attention," Karavalakis emphasized. "I strive to spend quality time with my loved ones and actively engage in daily activities with my 11-year-old son. While I aim to disconnect completely on weekends, it may not always be possible. Nonetheless, we dedicate most of our weekends to cherished moments with family and close friends," he warmly shared. Traveling and exploring new places, as well as listening to music, bring him joy and help him recharge.
Georgios Karavalakis' appointment at UCR signifies a new chapter for his research in air quality and sustainable transportation. With his expertise and dedication, he is poised to make significant contributions to the field, preparing future environmental engineers to address critical challenges and improve our planet's well-being.