
UCR’s EcoCAR Team Wins Two Awards at the First-Year EcoCAR EV Challenge in Orlando, Florida!

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UCR's EcoCAR Team achieved success at the First-Year EcoCAR EV Challenge in Orlando, Florida. In this four-year competition, EcoCAR teams presented their Year 1 accomplishments to industry sponsors and judges in key program areas: Engineering, Project Management, Communications, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Among twelve national teams, UCR's EcoCAR Team stood out, receiving two prestigious awards: the Spirit of the Challenge and the Spirit of Communications awards.

The Spirit of the Challenge award recognized UCR's team for their perseverance, positive attitude, and high technical standards. They also received the Spirit of Communications award for outstanding communication, leadership, and sportsmanship. Their commitment to excellence, passion for sustainable mobility, and innovative spirit left a lasting impression.

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As UCR's EcoCAR program gains momentum, the team eagerly anticipates three more competitive years. Through their outstanding achievements and dedication to sustainable transportation, they are driving towards a greener future for all.

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About UCR's EcoCAR Team:
UCR's EcoCAR Team is a passionate group of students dedicated to transforming the automotive industry. Their mission is to develop innovative, sustainable, and efficient vehicle designs while providing hands-on experience to the next generation of leaders and innovators. With a focus on community engagement and empowering low-income students, they strive to be a driving force in the Inland Empire's mobility training and development. If any students are interested in joining the team, reach out to Learn more about UCR's EcoCAR Team at

About EcoCAR:
EcoCAR is a prestigious competition challenging university students to redesign conventional vehicles into cutting-edge hybrid or electric vehicles. By combining advanced technology, sustainable practices, and automotive engineering skills, EcoCAR participants shape the future of transportation. The program provides students with invaluable real-world experience, fostering their growth as automotive industry leaders and promoting a greener, more sustainable world. Learn more about the EcoCAR program at

Relive the Awards Ceremony moment for Spirit of the Challenge here: 

Look more into the Y1 competition and awards details: 

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