Mobile Emissions Laboratory for Heavy-Duty Vehicles/Engines
The approach used for measuring the regulated emissions from a vehicle is to connect UCR’s heavy-duty mobile emission lab (MEL) to the total exhaust of the diesel engine. The details for sampling and measurement methods of mass emission rates from heavy-duty diesel engines are specified in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Protection of the Environment, Section 40, Part 1065. UCR’s unique heavy-duty diesel mobile emissions laboratory (MEL) is designed and operated to meet those stringent specifications within a 53 foot tractor trailer. MEL is a complex laboratory and a schematic of the major operating subsystems for MEL are shown below. The accuracy of MEL’s measurements has been verified against the Air Resources Board (ARB), Southwest Research Institute’s (SwRI), and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) heavy-duty diesel laboratories.
MEL graphic
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