Measuring the Emissions of Large Stationary Engines
UCR’s Mobile Emission Laboratory (MEL) connects to the total exhaust of a diesel or alternative-fueled heavy duty engine to collect certification grade emissions measurements. The lab is housed inside a tractor trailer, so it can be connected to a heavy duty truck cab and collect measurements while going down the road, transported to any facility to measure and certify large stationary engines, or used in conjunction with UCR’s or others heavy duty engine or chassis dynamometer. MEL collects information on a wide range of pollutants including criteria, toxics, NH3, and particle size and number. MEL is 1065 compliant and is validated with the California Air Resource Board’s and Southwest Research Institute’s heavy-duty diesel laboratories.
Service Details
MEL Testing Options:
• MEL Prep Day
• MEL Test Day
• Additional NH3 (per week)