Principal Investigator Arun Raju
Co-Principal Investigator Alfredo Martinez-Morales
Project Sponsor California Public Utilities Commission
Project Period April 2020 - September 2021

This project is aimed at assessing safety and performance concerns associated with injecting hydrogen into the existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure. Experimental and modeling work is ongoing on leakage rates, impacts on durability and integrity of the pipeline system and components, and hydrogen driven embrittlement.

Project Abstract

The University of California, Riverside, College of Engineering, Center for Environmental Research and Technology is providing the California Public Utilities Commission with a Hydrogen Blending Impacts Study. The study will provide CPUC with detailed research and findings of assessing safety concerns associated with injecting hydrogen into the existing natural gas pipeline system at various percentages in compliance with Senate Bill 1369 and CPUC Rulemaking 13-02-008. Senate Bi11 1369 requires CPUC to undertake specified actions to advance the state’s clean energy and pollution reduction objectives, including, where feasible, cost effective, and consistent with other state policy objectives and the green electrolytic hydrogen is targeted for increased use. UCR, and the subcontractor, Gas Technology Institute (GTI), are conducting experimental and modeling work on the following topics: 

  • Recommended maximum hydrogen percentage at which no or minor modifications are needed for natural gas infrastructure and end-use systems, and an assessment of the types of modifications that may be required for higher percentages of hydrogen. 
  • Assessment of the impacts, including degradation, on durability of the existing natural gas pipeline system. 
  • Assessment of any impact on natural gas pipeline leakage rates. Assessment of any impact on valves, fittings, materials, and welds due to hydrogen embrittlement.
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