2023-2024 Scholarship Awardees

CE-CERT is proud to announce the recipients of the 2023-2024 Scholarship Awards totaling $40,500. We would like to congratulate them on their hard work and thank our generous donors who made these awards possible.

Esther F. Hays Graduate Fellowship

Ryan Drover
Ryan Drover
Chemical & Environmental Engineering

Ryan Drover is a fourth-year graduate student with a focus on health exposure studies, particularly in the context of marine emissions and activity modeling. In addition, he conducts research on the impact of industrial chemicals on ozone formation. Ryan's future aspirations revolve around expanding our understanding of aerosol-related health effects and applying this knowledge to anticipated developments in the atmospheric environment. Throughout his academic journey, Ryan has forged strong relationships and gained diverse experiences through his involvement in college athletics, undergraduate research, and external educational opportunities. Over the next five years, he envisions himself undertaking captivating projects that tackle a wider range of scientific and engineering challenges. Ryan strives to be remembered as an exceptional friend and colleague, creating a positive environment and contributing to work that enhances well-being.

Afsara Tasnia
Afsara Tasnia
Chemical & Environmental Engineering

Afsara's current research focuses on understanding the effects of non-mobile sources and identifying tracer compounds associated with them. Looking ahead, she envisions continuing her research on urban air quality, specifically addressing the interaction between biogenic and anthropogenic emissions. Additionally, she aims to study the atmospheric chemistry that leads to the formation of pollutants such as tropospheric ozone and particulate matter. As a female researcher in a country where female representation in research is uncommon, Afsara has faced challenges. However, these obstacles have only made her more resilient and determined to pursue her research career. Inspired by her father's passion for environmentalism, she chose to major in environmental engineering, driven by her desire to contribute to the protection of the environment for future generations. Afsara expresses her gratitude for being granted the award and appreciates the recognition of her worthiness. She is thankful for the opportunity to further her research and make a positive impact in her field.


Xuanpeng Zhao
Xuanpeng Zhao
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Xuanpeng's research focuses on anomaly detection for cybersecurity risks in connected and automated electrical vehicles, operating in mixed traffic environments. His goal is to develop innovative solutions that enhance transportation system safety and efficiency, leveraging advanced technologies. Additionally, he is actively involved in developing specialized simulation platforms for heavy-duty vehicles, enabling the study of emission dispersion and its impact on human health. Moving forward, Xuanpeng aims to deepen his expertise in transportation and connected vehicles. His aspirations include tackling cybersecurity challenges, advancing driver assistance systems, and designing intelligent transportation systems that prioritize sustainability, safety, and efficiency. Xuanpeng's contributions to research, unwavering dedication to improving transportation systems, and commitment to fostering innovation and sustainability are traits he hopes to be remembered for.

Minghao Han
Minghao Han
Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Minghao's current research focuses on the design, construction, and characterization of an oxidation flow reactor (OFR) for airborne tests. He collaborates closely with the SCILLA research team and deploys a variety of aerosol and gas instruments aboard the NPS Twin Otter to investigate air pollution transport, processing, and climate impacts along the southern California coast. Looking ahead, Minghao's research goals encompass unraveling the effects of atmospheric processing on aerosols and precursor gases, as well as studying the behaviors and interactions of pollution aerosols and precursor gases with boundary layer clouds. Throughout his educational journey, Minghao has encountered challenges, including the difficulties of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and visa limitations. Despite these obstacles, he successfully completed the required courses while maintaining an impressive GPA. He also navigated a transition between research teams and adapted to a new field of study in atmospheric chemistry. Minghao aspires to make a positive impact on others, both professionally and personally, by contributing to the resolution of problems and advancing the understanding of the consequences of air pollution.


Haishan Liu
Haishan Liu
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Haishan's research focuses on the intersection of shared mobility and sustainable transportation. She is involved in a funded project that investigates the impact of electrifying Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft on California's transportation system and charging infrastructure. Her work involves developing a real-world ride-hailing dispatching system integrated with electric and internal combustion engine vehicles. She aims to develop a comprehensive simulation tool using SUMO to evaluate these strategies and provide support for regulating shared mobility traffic in California. In addition to her research endeavors, Haishan aspires to leave a position and lasting impression on others through her easy-going nature, big smile, and kindness.


Colin E. Hackett Graduate Award

Brenda Lopez Reyna
Brenda Lopez Reyna
Mechanical Engineering

Brenda's current research focuses on advanced cabin air control systems, with a particular focus on investigating the exposure of airborne particles and diseases to transportation employees and the traveling public. Her work involves exploring various experimental approaches, such as HVAC filtration systems, plexiglass barriers, on-board HEPA filtration, and ventilation conditions. As a first-generation and low-income student, Brenda has encountered challenges while navigating the academic system independently and relying on employment to support herself and her education. However, she has persevered and actively sought out opportunities that pave the way for her successful future. Above all, Brenda strives to help students who follow a similar educational path by providing guidance and acting as a resource for them to pursue research and higher education.


William R. Pierson / Ford Graduate Award


Abdullah Fuad Un-Noor
Abdullah Fuad Un-Noor (TSR)
Electrical Engineering

Abdullah's current research centers on zero-emission pathways for heavy-duty on- and off-road vehicles. His primary focus is to understand the challenges and barriers that impede the widespread adoption of zero-emission vehicles in different industries and vocations. Abdullah is actively exploring innovative solutions to overcome these obstacles and accelerate the transition to zero-emission technologies. Looking ahead, Abdullah envisions expanding his research by refining the simulation models he has developed. By enhancing the accuracy and realism of these models, he aims to create a more faithful representation of real-world systems. Through his work, Abdullah strives to contribute to the advancement of zero-emission technologies within the transportation sector. Abdullah's dedication to sustainable transportation and his efforts to address the hurdles in adopting zero-emission vehicles exemplify his commitment to a cleaner and greener future.


Miller Durbin Research Award


Tianyi Ma
Tianyi Ma
Mechanical Engineering

Tianyi (Jerry) Ma's current research project focuses on characterizing particulate emissions from a modern heavy-duty diesel vehicle in real-world conditions. The study evaluates sub-23 nm particles under various driving conditions to gain insights into the formation of smaller diameter particles. Jerry's future research goals involve conducting more in-depth investigations of the findings from his past thesis projects and exploring interdisciplinary fields to expand his knowledge. If Jerry could choose one thing for people to remember about him, it would be his dedication to lifelong learning and personal growth. He believes in the importance of continuous learning, utilizing knowledge to make a positive impact, and inspiring others to pursue their passions and seek personal and professional development.


Atmospheric Processes Laboratory (APL) Award Recipient

Thomas Eckel
Thomas Eckel
Chemical and Environmental Engineering





Transportation Systems Research (TSR) Award Recipient


Zhengwei Bai
Zhengwei Bai
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Zhengwei is a dedicated researcher whose work revolves around object detection and tracking, cooperative perception, decision making, motion planning, and cooperative driving automation (CDA). He actively contributes to projects such as the Cyber Mobility Mirror project and the EcoCAR project, focusing on advancing the field of AI-based mobility applications. Zhengwei's future research goals aim to drive further development in this domain and explore innovative solutions that leverage artificial intelligence to enhance mobility systems.


Salim Khan Award


Alyssa Valdez
Alyssa Valdez
Environmental Science

Alyssa's current research centers around greenhouse gas emissions from manure management strategies on dairies. She aims to optimize the detection and minimization of these emissions while informing dairy owners and future California policymakers about effective strategies. Her future research goals involve using her findings to improve dairy management systems and collaborate with dairy farmers to address the growing impacts of methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Alyssa’s decision to pursue Environmental Science stemmed from her commitment to shaping a better future for generations to come in the face of the climate crisis.



Ford Motor Company Undergraduate Award


Madeleine Haddad
Madeleine Haddad
Pure Mathematics

Madeleine actively participates in multiple research projects. Within the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Group, she conducts her independent research on traffic emissions while supporting graduate student Michael Rodriguez in his study of nitrous oxide emissions from dairy soils. Additionally, Madeleine is a member of the Surface Processes Group at UCSB, focusing on the investigation of river evolution in the Tibetan Plateau. She also engages in pure mathematics research, particularly in the realm of dynamical systems, and collaborates on an applied math project centered around mathematical modeling of breast cancer. She has faced challenges as a woman in STEM, particularly in the field of mathematics, enduring microaggressions from peers and superiors. With determination, Madeleine strives to serve as a role model for young women interested in STEM fields, inspiring them to embrace self-confidence and their own abilities. Madeleine's decision to pursue Pure Mathematics stemmed from her natural affinity for math and logical intuition. Recognizing mathematics' applicability across scientific disciplines and the humanities, she has been able to bring new perspectives to the research groups and labs she collaborates with.

Jim Guthrie Research Award


Brandon Kim
Brandon Kim
Chemical Engineering

Brandon's primary research centers around sustainable fuels, with a particular emphasis on converting wood biomass into an ethanol-based fuel using THF as a solvent. Looking ahead, he envisions pursuing a career in the sustainable fuels sector, while also considering prospects in the battery and electric vehicle industries. Brandon aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts in developing environmentally friendly energy sources and advancing the transition towards more sustainable transportation options. With his passion for sustainability, he hopes to make meaningful contributions to the field and play a role in shaping a greener and more sustainable future.


Bryan Chen
Bryan Chen
Mechanical Engineering

Bryan's current research focuses on the study of airborne particles and the optimization of filtration and airflow within public bus cabins to minimize the transmission of viruses like COVID-19. Looking ahead, he has set his sights on exploring various facets of mechanical engineering and applying his classroom knowledge to practical applications. Bryan's journey as an international student at UCR has been met with challenges related to finances, social adjustment, and academics. However, these obstacles have shaped his interpersonal skills and fortified his academic and professional path. Bryan aspires to be remembered for his unwavering diligence, which has allowed him to seize opportunities and overcome hurdles. He attributes much of his achievements as a student and individual to his persistence and determination. Bryan's decision to pursue mechanical engineering is rooted in his family's STEM background and his passion for hands-on design and assembly. With the support and encouragement of his family, particularly his two older brothers, he developed a profound interest in product design and 3D modeling, making mechanical engineering a natural fit for his aspirations.

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