Renewable Natural Gas Symposium


The annual RNG Symposium brings together industry, utility companies, academia and regulatory agencies to converge on the key benefits and challenges of moving the production of renewable natural gas (RNG) from pilot-scale demonstration projects to widespread commercial production and utilization. This annual symposium examines opportunities to improve technology and mitigate common barriers, including regulatory issues, feedstock logistics and pre-treatment challenges, and high capital costs.

2nd RNG Symposium

The UCR Center for Renewable Natural Gas invites you to join us for the second Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) symposium. This full day event will provide an in-depth discussion of RNG and the facilitation of RNG adoption from the lab into the market. Panel discussions will include a special focus on improving technology and reducing barriers to achieve widespread commercial production and utilization of RNG in California and beyond.

Details for the 2019 Symposium, including registration information, sponsorship opportunities, and time coming soon.

For any questions, please contact the marketing team at

Symposium Discussions Topics

Renewable Hydrogen – Nexus of Fuels and Power

Challenges and Opportunities for Decarbonization

RNG's Role in Mitigating Short Lived Climate Pollutants

Utility-Scale Power-to-Gas

Thermochemical RNG Production

2019 RNG Symposium

Planning for the 2019 RNG Symposium is under way. This year’s symposium will be held in the Fall. Please check back soon for more information.

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